Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cables To Go - 40315 - 2M (6.5ft) Velocity HDMI Digital Video Cable (Blue) Customer / User Review

Okay, folks...we're talking about digital signals here. A digital signal gets there, or it doesn't. This isn't like analog signals where increased resistance or poor shielding of the wire degrades your sound and picture.

This cable does what I need it to do for about 15% of the cost of most of the alternatives out there. My picture looks great, I can get 1080p out of my Playstation 3, and I saved some bucks in the process. I couldn't be happier.

From some of the reviews, you'd get the impression that this cable is exceedingly thin or poorly manufactured. Not true. It does have gold-plated ends, it fits snugly in the sockets--won't pop out from its own weight, but also will come loose instead of dragging your equipment to the floor if someone trips over it.

And I got news for you: I used to work at Best Buy, and stuff like cables have some of the highest mark-up in the store. Yup, most of what you're paying for those $100 cables--probably somewhere around $75--is going straight in to the "Profit" column in the ledger.